Check out our FREE Glow Animation Effects for Final Cut Pro X (Blotter Media)

Take your music video production to the next level with some truly captivating animated light effects. Our team here at CinePacks has worked hard to create a vibrant, edgy effect to use effectively in Final Cut Pro X. Though our glowing effect appears advanced, we have developed a super simple free pack that you can download (and no plugin is needed)! Discover how to integrate our FREE Glow Animation Effects for Final Cut Pro X into your next great project.

How to Add the Glow Animation Effect in 4 Easy Steps

Step 1: Download the free Glow Animation Effects pack from our CinePacks website. (We also have full glow animation effects packs available for purchase as well.)

Step 2: After you receive your email with the download link, unzip the pack and drag the effects straight into Final Cut.

Step 3: Drag the effects over your desired clip in the timeline. Select the clip and change the blending mode to “Add” or “Screen.” 

Step 4: Play around with the Transform tool to achieve the size and orientation you want. Use keyframes to track the movement of your glowing animation effect.

Step 5: Continue customizing your clip by stacking multiple glowing light effects in the timeline and by using the Hue/Saturation effect to change the colors.  

Not only does this light animation effect help enhance the vibe of your music videos, it also can be used to produce awesome social media video content or give a fresh look to an animated logo.

Visit our Website for More Awesome Tools

Check out the CinePacks website to browse our many other amazing products and tutorials! We have numerous free packs to help get you started on your next cool project, so be sure to follow us on Instagram to receive the latest updates on our new products and resources. If you have any questions or feedback, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team! We can’t wait to see what you create next. 

